Delivery of EMV Visa / MasterCard cards and contactless accessories for the banking sector
We are a leader in providing EMV Visa / MasterCard cards for the banking sector in the Bulgarian market. Plastics production, assembly and pre-personalization of the chip take place in Hungary. The Hungarian State Printing House holds all licenses and certificates for the production and personalization of international (MasterCard and VISA) and local bank cards. State-of-the-art high-tech machines allow the production of various types of cards (with magnetic tape, EMV chip and/or combined) in a short time and at a bargain price.
"Direct Services" OOD is a reliable and trusted partner who can assist you in implementation of any card project.
реализирани проекта за доставка на банкови карти в България
Your benefits:
• You will work with a local provider and avoid any difficulties related to communication with any card manufacturers abroad;
• With us, you can implement any Visa and MasterCard project with contact or contactless cards with STM chips (ProtonPrisma and Java Stpay) or Samsung (PlasticCard), as well as a Gemalto’s NFC sticker.
• In addition to Visa / MC EMV, you can also implement a Bcard project with a Gemalto’s chip and a PURE Gemalto operating system
• Comprehensive servicing (cards, PIN envelopes, card mailing, statements on movements on card accounts), at competitive prices, services and products quality guarantees.
Our advantages:
•Bank cards are manufactured by the parent company ANY Security Printing ( – a certified Visa and MasterCard bank cards manufacturer;
• Established contacts with Borika and assistance in each project implementation;
• We deliver products of European origin, high quality, competitive prices and short delivery times;
• Numerous projects implemented with over 15 banks in Bulgaria.
Process of Work

Task definition
We define the transaction parameters (product, quantity, price, delivery time) and guarantee them by means of a bilaterally signed contract.
We produce and submit ‘.pdf’ files of card printing for approval; we can also produce real card samples, upon request.
We communicate with Visa/MasterCard and, upon their approval, we start manufacturing the cards.
We produce the cards according to the agreed parameters and deliver them with transport security according to the strict Visa/MasterCard requirements.
Only after you have accepted the cards and are make sure that the project is fulfilled according to your requirements we issue an invoice.