02.08.2021Direct Services Ltd. becomes leading supplier of bank cards
02.08.2021Direct Services Ltd. becomes leading supplier of bank cards
Digital printing and fulfillment services from Direct Services Ltd.!
Digital book printing increasing its share in Direct Services Ltd business. In 2021 we printed over 36 million B5 pages, from which we produced tens of thousands of books. When started this activity 10 years ago, we were pioneers in the market (we were the first to offer the printing of books with digital printing equipment) and we constantly continue to expand the opportunities for our customers and offer them economically attractive models. Production of super short runs (10-20 copies of a title) is an example of how publishers can improve their financial flows. The more frequent orders of multiple titles in several copies provide the publisher with the opportunity to have in stock all the titles from their catalog without taking financial risk in case of poor sales. In addition, Direct Services Ltd. offers a new opportunity - storage of available books and execution of sales orders (packaging and delivery to the customer's address). By transferring the fulfillment operations to us, the publisher can outsource activities that are not typical for him and concentrate on his marketing and strategic tasks. Online sales development is the factor that increases the need for fulfillment services and we are convinced that in 2022. many of our customers will appreciate the benefits of our solution and will optimize their work processes with our help.
To be prepared for the future, in early 2022 we will install a new digital printing machine Canon Varioprint 180 Titan and a three-sided guillotine Horizon HT-80. This equipment will not only maintain the quality of our services, but will also help us to optimize production and be even more prepared for the PrintOnDemand model that we follow and impose.